Purpose | Stone Bundle


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This Purpose Stone Bundle is designed for those who are seeking to find focus, clarity and direction in their lives.

The enclosed reference card will provide a description of each stone and its correlation to purpose. Also included is a spiritual practice for inviting intention, focus and purpose into your life. 

Rev Karla's Purpose Stone Bundle comes in its own ceramic bowl, handmade and painted by artisans utilizing fair-trade practices with artisans around the world.

For centuries, wisdom keepers and sages have worked in harmony with earth elements through herbal and stone alchemy. Ancient scripture, including the Bible, has documented the many ways in which herbs and gemstones were used in rituals and offered as sacred gifts to royalty or respected leaders.

Using that same wisdom and desire to honor all of creation, Rev Karla and team combines our vast knowledge of and experience with aromatherapy, herbal blends, and stone energy to create our Stone Bundles for you.

Before using your stones in water, sunlight or immersed in oils or balms, please be aware that some stones are not intended for use in these elements.

Please note: because of their unique design, colors and shapes, your bowl will vary from the one pictured. Please know that we have chosen the bowls that best reflect the intention of the bundles and prayed blessings and intentions over your stone bundle before shipping it to you. Each purpose bowl comes with 8 individual stones, and an information card that offers suggestions on how to use these stones in your spiritual practice. 

Stone descriptions and Spiritual significance: 

Black Tourmaline - One of the most versatile and powerful stones, black tourmaline is used for purification, protection, releasing negative thoughts, anxieties, anger, and feelings of unworthiness.

Celestite - Celestite is the ideal companion for your meditation or prayer practice to consider your purpose and passions. Celestite invites Divine communication, inner vision, calmness and clarity.

Lapis Lazuli - With its deep blends of blue hues and swirling colors, lapis lazuli is reminiscent of rolling waves. These colors, combined with its natural elements of higher consciousness and awareness may be used to help with your inner vision, truthful communication, activating your higher mind and intuition. 

Labradorite - Invokes the magic and wonder of creation. It is useful with visionary dreams and goals. 

Blue Calcite - Blue calcite reminds you to shake off the narratives that others have placed on you. It also invites you to reject the strong masculine energy that can be present in patriarchal familiarity and government systems that may have impacted you. 

Rose Quartz - Considered the queen of the heart center for stone alchemy, rose quartz invites love of all beings (including yourself), gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, and uniting the Divine wisdom with your soul.

Carnelian Palm Stone - Oftentimes, our lack of balance stems from immobilization due to feelings of overwhelming stress. Carnelian invites courage, action, overcoming fear of action, as well as inviting energy into your focus. 

Clear Quartz - Clear quartz amplifies everything, so it is the ideal companion for the intentions of this bundle. Clear quartz invites increased focus and goal-setting. This stone also enhances memories to help remind who you are and where you desire to go.

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